Legal Window

Recently some customers have complained that some of our pictures are similar to theirs, so we make a special claim for this.

First, our company is legally registered and all business is conducted legally. We have a good reputation among our customers.

Second, we respect all kinds of intellectual property especially the copyright of pictures.

Third, if any individual thinks our behavior violate your copyright, please provide the details to us, you can contact us by submitting a ticket, in which includes all of the following:


 Full name of the intellectual property right owner

 Your own full name &the name of the business you represent

 Your full contact address (includes City, State and Zip Code)

 Your email address & telephone number (includes international dialling code)

 Full description of the alleged intellectual property rights infringement

 Explanation of the alleged infringement & its location on the website

 Full declaration that you believe an IPR has been violated

 A statement that the information in your Notice is true and correct

 Clear declaration that you will indemnify Classic Boho against any and all related claims, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) which Classic Boho may incur in connection with the notice

When you report to us please show us the evidence that the pictures are yours including the time of photographing, photographers, the location of the pictures and the original pictures. You are responsible for the authenticity of any material you provide to us.

When we get your report of the pictures we will check them and contact you in case there is a possibility of copyright infringement, to discuss the problem in detail and solve it.

Fourth, we will delete the pictures or get your authorization to use the pictures after we check in detail, which does not mean we indeed infringed upon your copyright, but we will make the proper arrangements out of respect for your copyright.

We take this problem seriously but you should also read our terms and rules as follows:

You may not copy or distribute any pictures of our website for any defamatory or unauthorized purpose.

You agree not to use any obscene, indecent, or offensive language or to place on the service any material that is defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful.

You may not in any way make commercial or other unauthorized use, by publication, re-transmission, distribution, performance, caching, or otherwise, of pictures obtained through Classic Boho, except as permitted by the Copyright Act. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website.

Under no circumstances will Classic Boho beheld liable in any way whatsoever for any Third-Party who uses our pictures to bring any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use.